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Ag Pathway's Tn process

Thank You for selecting Ag Pathways as your people resourcing partner. We are passionate about assisting our business clients make a difference by helping them improve their employee culture. We are partnering together because you believe integrity and generosity are virtues employees must possess to perform as highly successful teams.  We are only as strong as the team we hire.  The following is what our process looks like.



   1. You will have an in person or Skype Meeting with Melany Laplander/or Jon Huseth introducing Ag Pathways, and         to discuss our philosophies, opportunities and structure. We will also speak about the needs of your business or             organization and how to positively transform your culture. We will answer all your questions regarding...

  1. Payment

  2. What happens if your candidate(s) does not work out

  3. Housing

  4. Transportation

  5. When to expect candidates to arrive, ready to work

  6. What about health insurance

  7. Salary

  8. Etc.



   2. Melany Laplander will mail or email to you the required forms to fill out to get your process started: 

  1. Recruitment Proposal. This needs to be signed and returned accompanied with your Earnest Pledge in order to solidify our relationship and to take the next step: recruiting and interviews.

  2. We will ask you questions about the needs of your business or organization and how we can positively transform your culture. 



   3. Carlos Trejo and Melany Laplander will select candidates for you to interview via Skype.  Melany will also be               present during your interviews, if needed, to translate.  She will coordinate with you the most convenient day and           times for you to conduct interviews with our candidates.

  1. We encourage you to start developing an interview process that best suits your needs.

  2. We will share with you all our interview experiences, questions, and the purpose of our interviews we have had with your candidate to help guide you through this step.



   4. Ag Pathways will request all the required documents from your selected candidate(s) and complete their                         information package

  1. We will schedule a payment to the United States Embassy.

  2. We will handle the payment and creation of the entire package for the embassy.

  3. We will request the processing fee in order to schedule appointments due to the cost of acquiring the appointment and expenses related to it.

  4. After the United States Embassy receives this payment, dates are then assigned for your candidate to attend two different appointments at the Embassy.  The first is for a BioScan followed by an interview the very next day.



   5. After approval, the candidate(s) will wait about two weeks for the arrival of their official TN Visa.  At this point,              we can select dates to bring them to the USA!

  1. Melany will work with you on the logistics of candidate transportation.

  2. Melany will pick-up and onboard your candidate(s) when they arrive. This is an extremely important step because it is necessary for your employees to completely understand: why they are here, the opportunity your company has invested in them, and the expectations they must meet to be a part of the Ag Pathways family.



   6. Melany will deliver your TN to your doorstep.




       Remember, your Ag Pathways Team is here to assist and answer any questions!

       Ag Pathways Office - 651-923-5852






Jon Huseth - CEO

35694 215th Ave - Goodhue, MN 55027



Melany Laplander- Professional Recruiter and Consultations




Carlos Trejo- Professional Recruiter

(+52) 272-224-2300



Carlos Mejia- Office


Ag Pathways logo.png


35694 215th Ave​

Goodhue, MN 55027






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